is Craftmill’s information portal. Its a UK based site which is all about how to use MODROC and all our other favourite 3D products. We love to share all we know about our favourite products in order to inspire and help you. You can purchase modroc and all our full range of items at or for our plain wooden box and papier mache decoupage range, try our bulk site for great automatic discounts.
If you are a trade user of Modroc, Alginate, Casting Plaster and Sweet Tree Supplies we have special wholesale prices for bulk purchases. Simply email to discuss your requirements so we can give you a tailored quote.
At, you will find everything you ever wanted to know about Modroc Plaster of Paris Bandage (of course), plus Earthen Air Drying Modelling Clay, Potters Clay, Das, Paper Clay, ColourClay StaySoft Modelling, Polystyrene Balls and Polystyrene Eggs, Fimo Polymer Clay, Sculpey 111, Sculpey Premo, Super Sculpey, Casting Plaster, Impression Moulding Alginate, Makins Push Moulds, Cutters, Modelling Tools, Acrylic Painting Materials and Sweet Tree Supplies.
If you would like to contact Craftmill Ltd, you can email us with any query at
Or telephone 0161 484 5888 Monday to Friday from 8 am to 3pm.